Season 3

S3E7: Now is the Moment

Mobilizing Against Amendment One in Louisiana

Dear Pledge Listeners: 

Although I know many of you are feeling the same anxiety that I am about our upcoming election, I hope you will take 20 minutes to listen to this story from Louisiana, the day after yet another hurricane tore through the state. Katrina Rogers tells us about her efforts to mobilize people in Louisiana to protect the few remaining abortion rights in Louisiana, even if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Her story will give you a moment to feel positive about the very real ways that our democracy is vibrant, even if we are still fighting battles we thought we had won almost 50 years ago. 

"The Moment is Now" takes us to the grassroots campaign centered on reproductive justice, which means that people should be able to decide for themselves if, when, and how to have children. In addition to learning Katrina's story about the potentially devastating impact of Amendment One on lower-income people and people of color, we hear from Kim O’Brien. Kim, a white, economically secure professional, shares her story of being forced to go out of state to terminate a pregnancy after she learned that the child she and her husband were eagerly expecting would have severe neurological defects. Her story gives perspective on the burden that restrictive abortion laws impose on parents that may already be suffering, but it also shows that when the state takes away abortion rights, it’s really just taking away the right to choose from the people with fewer resources. 

Episode Seven: “Now is the Moment”

I am so grateful to all of you for listening to The Pledge. I hope you have enjoyed the stories and found them as hopeful as I have, even as we have highlighted the very real struggles that make our collective activism so crucial to our democracy today.

When I started The Pledge in 2018, I had a strong sense that a culture of widespread activism was emerging, and I wanted to interview women activists who had found fulfillment and power in serving their broader community. I believe this change has indeed come to pass, and I have been so honored that so many amazing activists have taken the time to share their stories with me - and that you have taken the time to listen. I am also encouraged by all of the passion and commitment I see around me to make our democracy stronger than ever - by the millions of letters, postcards, texts and phone calls - all to encourage and support people to vote. We are already seeing enormous turnout numbers for the election next week, and I firmly believe that the energy, engagement, and sense of empowerment seeded in this tumultuous time will lead to lasting change. Thank you so much for being a part of all of it. 

See you on the other side of this long anticipated election!


S3E6: Persevere with Dignity and Grace

Laura Misumi carries on a long tradition of Japanese Americans fighting for justice in the U.S.

Dear Pledge Listeners: 

Episode 6, Persevere with Dignity and Grace, is live in your podcast feed today, and it’s just what the doctor ordered. Laura Misumi, a fourth generation Japanese American, will give you hope because of her innovative strategy for organizing and mobilizing Asian Americans in Michigan, where she is building community and fostering lasting political engagement. She will also open your eyes to the ways in which Japanese Americans have been fighting for justice for decades. Laura’s organization, Rising Voices of Asian American Families, is targeting 183,000 Asian American voters in carefully selected counties in this very important swing state. It’s an effort and a constituency that absolutely have the capacity to change the outcome of the State and Federal elections.

Episode Six: “Let’s Get Out There!”

Listen to Laura’s story, and enjoy a moment of hope. These organizers are committed and working at the grassroots levels to reach, engage, and support many voters whose power has previously been overlooked. And they’re going about their work in a way that will keep that power growing well beyond November. This is a great example of building more democracy and justice in America in an inclusive, lasting way.

Stay strong, volunteer if you can, and VOTE!


Take Action!

Detroit Action: “Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiters fighting for housing and economic justice. Our organization is a grassroots and member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power.” These next six weeks they are reaching out to get out the vote.

  • Volunteer to make calls or text to people in the Detroit area. They will train you.

  • Donate to support their work

Reclaim Our Vote: Targeting increasing voter turnout among voters of color in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. You can choose your state. They have great training videos “We have made more than 500,000 phone calls and sent 5 million postcards so far in 2020.

S3E5: Let's Get Out There!

Organizing to build lasting power and guarantee basic rights in Detroit.

Dear Pledge Listeners:

As a sixteen year old growing up outside Detroit, Vanessa Velazquez’s shock over her family’s outrageous water bill got her questioning the bigger political context of social justice issues in her city. In "Let’s Get Out There," we learn how that experience motivated her to study political science at Michigan State, and end up as an organizer in the Detroit area fighting to do something about it.

Episode Five: “Let’s Get Out There!”

Now, as the Field Director for Detroit Action, Vanessa is managing a team of organizers working nonstop to reach 150,000 potential voters in their critical swing state. Their goal goes far beyond getting the residents to vote--they’re building power and a voting culture that can transform the political context and guarantee people’s basic rights--rights like secure housing and government accountability. Of course, voting in November is a crucial first step!

I would also like to take a moment to comment on the tornado within which we find ourselves these days. We all have many moments where the news feels overwhelming, and it is tempting to hide under our pillows and hope it all goes away. Vanessa’s story shows us how a young woman is helping to make crucial change in the Detroit area. Her work is getting people engaged in the political process who have a lot of reasons to be cynical about their ability to make things better, but they never give up.

And that’s what I want to take note of—their decision to not give up. In fact they are working harder than ever. When I start to despair, thinking about these people that have taken time to share with me how they are not stopping helps snap me out of it. They not only believe that we can build a better country, they’re doing it every day, relentlessly pushing back and moving forward. Please consider supporting Detroit Action. They are ready to train you if you want to volunteer.

  • Make Calls: They have a great system where the computer makes the calls so you just get connections. It still takes patience, but I did it today and got one volunteer and someone else that needed the info to go vote. VERY gratifying. Email me if you want to discuss. Sign up here!

  • Make a Donation: Your support will help build local leadership. Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiters fighting for housing and economic justice. They are a grassroots, member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power. Donate here.

Stay strong!

S3E4: It Mattered! Gerrymander Reform in Michigan

How one Facebook post led to changing the Michigan state constitution. 

Dear Pledge Listeners:

I am so excited to share this Michigan story with all of you. I found it to be 100% inspiring. It tells a story of what is possible when people take responsibility for their own democracy, and it happened just recently in 2018!

Episode Four, “It Mattered! Gerrymander Reform in Michigan” 

In our last episode we learned about a successful effort to combat gerrymandering in Florida. Now we move to Michigan, where a group of novice activists got fed up with gerrymandered districts where politicians were unaccountable to the people, and decided to do something about it.  

Nancy Wang is the Executive Director of Voters Not Politicians, the nonprofit organization that led the 2018 campaign to defeat gerrymandering in Michigan, but that was never her plan. Responding to a Facebook post from Katie Fahey (whom she didn’t even know!), Nancy became one of the thousands of volunteers throughout the state to get involved. As an attorney, she ended up leading the policy committee that drafted the new amendment. Eventually she left her job teaching law at the University of Michigan to head up the organization full-time.
Listen and feel hopeful. People-power is real.
Keep the faith! 



We are proud to announce that The Pledge has hit 10,000 downloads! We are amazed and humbled that our stories keep bringing people back to listen for more. Thank you for being one of those listeners! If you are looking for other ways of supporting the podcast, please consider donating.


What you are doing to engage in our democracy. Have you made a donation? Have you text-banked? Have you signed up to be a poll worker? Sharing what you are doing will help other people do something too.

Share your pledges and ideas by leaving us a voicemail at


S3E3: Victory in Florida

Fair District Florida's Fight to End Gerrymandering

Dear Pledge Listeners:

Today we are releasing an amazing story about dedicated people who took action against what many thought were great odds, and won. I’m hoping that given all the uncertainty and unrest we see these days, a story like this will inspire you to never give up hope. It will remind you that we can have the power to make meaningful change--even when the status quo and its defenders seem overwhelming.

Episode Three:  “When People Have Power: Florida’s Fight to End Gerrymandering” 

Thank you for listening and please let others know about these stories. I wish for all of you the strength and determination to persevere with whatever your pledge might be. These are challenging times!

With gratitude, 


Please give me a call and tell me what you are doing to engage in our democracy. Have you made a donation? Have you text-banked? Have you signed up to be a poll worker? Sharing what you are doing will help other people do something too.

Share your pledges and ideas by leaving us a voicemail at


If you are looking for something to do today to protect voting rights as we head into this crucial election, please check out our Take Action page, pledge yourself to the fight, and share your work with others. 

S3E2: This is Bigger than Us - Sheena Meade Pt 2

Dear Pledge Listeners:

Today we are releasing the second episode of Season 3 of The Pledge, and the second episode featuring Sheena Meade and the fight to restore voting rights to returning citizens in Florida. This episode shows how sticking with it, persevering in the face of expected and unexpected obstacles, is just a crucial part of making our democracy work. If you haven't listened to episode 1, make sure to learn about Sheena there first. 

“This is Bigger Than Us: Sheena Meade Part 2” follows the aftermath of the amazing victory in 2018 of Florida’s Amendment Four. Millions of Floridians - almost 65% - voted to re-enfranchise people who had formerly been incarcerated with their right to vote. It was truly a great moment for democracy. But this next episode shows that, even when we win, the fight continues. It’s not that we can never take breaks, but the lesson is to expect the work to continue after the break. As voters we need to keep our leaders accountable, let them know our expectations, and give them the support they need to fight for us, and call them out when they don’t. That means staying involved, and working through our fatigue and frustrations. As Hedrick Smith says, “Democracy is a participant sport. It’s not a spectator sport.”

In that spirit, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the challenges facing our democracy in this crucial moment, I know I am. But as Margaret Meade famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” If you are looking for something to do today to protect voting rights as we head into this crucial election, please check out our Take Action page, pledge yourself to the fight, and share your work with others. 



What is your pledge for the 2020 election? Please give me a call and tell me what you are doing to engage in our democracy. Have you made a donation? Have you text-banked? Sharing what you are doing will help other people do something too.

Help share your pledges and ideas by leaving us a voicemail at


S3E1: Releasing the Chains of Our Ancestors

The Story of Florida’s Amendment 4 in 2018

Dear Pledge Listeners,

I am so excited to begin Season 3 with the story of Sheena Meade, who was instrumental in the passage of Florida’s Amendment 4 and restoring the right to vote to 1.4 million returning citizens who had formerly been incarcerated. Sheena’s husband, Desmond Meade, made the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world in 2019 for this incredible feat - getting over five million people to vote and to bend the state constitution in the direction of equality.

But for that vote to happen, it took the hard work and strategic talent to organize, organize, and organize some more. That’s where Sheena Meade came in. In Part One of this two-part story, you’ll learn how Sheena has defied the odds over and over again, eventually becoming a powerful force behind the groundwork that led to this victory. 


What is your pledge for the 2020 election? There are many things you can do, every day, to strengthen our democracy. Support a candidate, help fight voter suppression, phone bank, text bank. Opportunities are unlimited, and we have some ideas at our website!

Help share your pledges and ideas by leaving us a voicemail at


Every episode, I’ll share one of the messages I receive with our listeners. It could be YOU. (Please note that I can’t share endorsements of specific candidates or political parties.)

Perhaps I’m stating the obvious, but producing a podcast takes a lot of work. I hope that we are bringing you stories that inspire, but I know there is NO way I could get you those stories without the incredible people who are working with me. So I’d like to start this season with an appreciation for my team. So thank you to:

Jeb Sharp--Editor
Tina Tobey Mac--Sound Design 
Hedrick Smith--Contributing Editor
Ezra Hausman--Writing, Tech Support, and every day support
Multitude --Promotion
Nieshoff Design--Graphics
My FRIENDS and FAMILY--who check in with me, ask me about the stories, and totally keep me inspired
YOU -- for listening and sharing with your friends

Producing the season also takes funds. I am very grateful for partial support for this season from The Ford Foundation.

The Season 3 Trailer: The Fight for Every Vote

In the past four years, we have seen both critical progress and set-backs with voting and voter empowerment across the country.  Starting August 6th, we are bringing stories of women from 3 different states determined to secure voting rights for every citizen.

Hey Pledge Listeners!

I’m thrilled to be launching Season 3. It’s been an interesting and challenging year so far--for all the reasons you know too well. But working on The Pledge Podcast has kept me inspired, and I am looking forward to sharing it with you. I’ve been able to reach out to some amazing, determined women who remind me that taking action is key to relieving anxiety. 


Episode 1 features Sheena Meade and the story of her work as an organizer and participant in the 2018 Amendment 4 campaign in Florida - restoring voting rights to 1.4 million formerly incarcerated people.

We will be starting with three episodes from Florida and then we’ll be moving on to Michigan. We’ll be talking about expanding the vote, fighting gerrymandering, and what it means to truly build community power, beyond just getting out the vote. I hope these stories will help you keep up the energy and motivation we all need to keep building our democracy in this election year, and beyond.

More soon. Until then, stay strong and stick with your pledge.

