The Pledge Podcast is LIVE!

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Episode One tells the story of Elizabeth, who found her political voice in the Alabama special election for Senate and just keeps fighting for change. Listen to The Pledge as we explore what motivates this inspiring and tireless activist, and follow her evolution as a political force in her state.

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“Yes I get frustrated when I watch the news. But I have an avenue to turn that into something positive because I'm involved because I stay engaged.”

-Elizabeth Rappaport Shannon

The Pledge Podcast explores political activism through short audio portraits. We call it The Pledge because it celebrates activism as a commitment to the hard work of democracy. Making this pledge means taking risks, speaking out, working hard and fighting day after day. It’s not easy, and success is often slow and never guaranteed. But making a commitment—a pledge—can motivate us to stay engaged for the long haul, which is the only way to truly make change.

Podcast Launch in February!

After criss-crossing the state of Alabama three times, meeting many amazing activist women, and learning the craft of podcasting from scratch, I could not be more excited to announce:

The Pledge Podcast will launch on Presidents Day, February 18th!

As loyal pre-listeners, you know how much your support means to me. Now get ready to do three things:

  • Subscribe to The Pledge podcast on Apple podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher, and listen to episode 1 on February 18th.

  • Tell 5 people about the podcast (Send them my website or suggest that they subscribe) Do you know of activists or influencers who might be able to spread the word? Please email me.

  • Come to the launch party on Feb. 25th! From 6-7:30pm at the Podcast Garage, 267 Western Ave. Brighton, we will listen to some audio, do a Q&A, and meet women activists. Invitation to follow.

In this first season you’ll meet six remarkable women who take democracy into their own hands. We will explore their motivations and share the exhilaration and frustrations of trying to break through the entrenched establishment in this deep red state. Despite the obvious challenges and inevitable setbacks they face, these activists refuse to give up. Their efforts taught me so much and make me feel inspired, and even optimistic, about our democracy. I hope that when you listen to The Pledge, you will feel it too. Thank you your help to get the word out there. Until then, stay strong and keep YOUR pledge.

Patriotically yours,